June 22, 2015

Volume Discount

Submitting a document 15 pages or longer (i.e., 4,500 words or more) will result in a 10% volume discount on your Papercheck editing services. The 10% volume discount is automatically applied at the time of submission. The volume discount is not applied to PowerPoint documents.

All clients receive the same high-quality editing services, irrespective of the length of the document. The more pages you transmit in a single submission, the more money you will save. The volume discount is only applied to one submission at a time, which means that each document must total 4,500 words or more. Sending us two separate eight-page documents, for example, will not qualify you for the discount; you would have to combine and submit them as one 16-page document.

Repeat clients automatically receive loyalty discounts once the minimum expenditure has been reached. You will be able to receive a discount on all documents submitted to Papercheck, regardless of the document length, when you qualify for the Papercheck Loyalty Program.

72-hour turnaround time
10% discount
4,500 words or more
48-hour turnaround time
10% discount
4,500 words or more
24-hour turnaround time
10% discount
4,500 words or more
10-hour turnaround time
10% discount
4,500 words or more

6-hour turnaround time
10% discount
4,500 words or more
33-page maximum